FoBRA communication
BERA maintains a neutral stance on all development/planning developments
Dear members,
Late last year we had a presentation from Transition Bath which resulted in an extensive discussion surrounding environmental issues in the city, the retrofitting of new technologies to listed and conservation area homes and the importance of the protection of green spaces and trees in the city. During that meeting we raised our concern as a Committee with the proposed development of a green field by Lidl at Lambridge. The strength of feeling at the meeting was that we did not support the development of this green field or the removal of trees by Lidl or any developer.
The site is an original meadow, in the sensitive river corridor and represents a very important historic gateway to Georgian Bath.
The rolling hills and green meadows rolling into the Georgian town planning of our UNESCO inscribed gem of a city. This green field site has city wide importance as an original Georgian entrance.
Lidl have announced that they are launching a pre application consultation process and I am sure some of you will have been contacted as Sylvia has on behalf of FoBRA (see attached email). It looks as though they have used our contacts from the FoBRA website.
I would therefore like you to understand the context that this application will sit within before you examine their plans. Please find attached the pre-application report which was requested as part of a series of FOI disclosures I submitted an FOI request and the local Ward Councillor in Lambridge did too.
This report highlights the very high thresholds and reservations that B&NES officers thankfully have for this site. I feel that it is important that you have this information when considering the material that Lidl will present.
Rachael Hushon
FoBRA Chair
Late last year we had a presentation from Transition Bath which resulted in an extensive discussion surrounding environmental issues in the city, the retrofitting of new technologies to listed and conservation area homes and the importance of the protection of green spaces and trees in the city. During that meeting we raised our concern as a Committee with the proposed development of a green field by Lidl at Lambridge. The strength of feeling at the meeting was that we did not support the development of this green field or the removal of trees by Lidl or any developer.
The site is an original meadow, in the sensitive river corridor and represents a very important historic gateway to Georgian Bath.
The rolling hills and green meadows rolling into the Georgian town planning of our UNESCO inscribed gem of a city. This green field site has city wide importance as an original Georgian entrance.
Lidl have announced that they are launching a pre application consultation process and I am sure some of you will have been contacted as Sylvia has on behalf of FoBRA (see attached email). It looks as though they have used our contacts from the FoBRA website.
I would therefore like you to understand the context that this application will sit within before you examine their plans. Please find attached the pre-application report which was requested as part of a series of FOI disclosures I submitted an FOI request and the local Ward Councillor in Lambridge did too.
This report highlights the very high thresholds and reservations that B&NES officers thankfully have for this site. I feel that it is important that you have this information when considering the material that Lidl will present.
Rachael Hushon
FoBRA Chair